API Reference

Pype’s methods can be grouped according to whether they are lazy or eager vs whether they are deferred or immediate:




accum() broadcast() cat() chunk() clone() cycle() dist() do() drop() drop_while() enum() flat() flatmap() it() interleave() map() partition() pick() print() reject() select() slice() split() take() take_while() tee() to_file() uniq() window() zip() zip_with()

do() map() print() to_file()


divide() freqs() group_by() reverse() roundrobin() sample() shuffle() sorted() take() to_json() top() unzip()

eager() reduce() size()

Lazy methods would normally be deferred and eager methods immediate. However, if an eager method returns a pipe, Pypey defers its execution until it’s iterated through, at which point, the backing Iterable will be consumed, if lazy.

do(), map(), print() and to_file() are intrinsically lazy but they can be eager in certain circumstances. The three side-effectful methods do(), print() and to_file() can be made eager by setting their now parameter to True (to_file()’s and print()’s are True by default) as they are often the last operations in a pipeline, when consumption of its backing Iterable is warranted. do() and map() consume their iterables when they are made parallel, if their workers parameter is set to a value larger than 0.

take() is lazy when it’s parameter is positive (head) and eager when it’s negative (tail).

In order to stop a lazy backing Iterable from being consumed, clone() can be used to ensure that the consumption happens on the returned pipe and not the original one. clone() manages this by using iteratools.tee under the hood and it’s the only method that mutates the internal state of a Pype

If reading the whole pipe into memory is not an issue, it’s often simpler and more efficient to create a pipe with an eager backing Iterable (list, tuple and so on). For instance if reading from a file:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> eager_pype = pype.file('text.txt').to(list, Pype)

or more conveniently:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> eager_pype = pype.file('text.txt').eager()

Pype’s methods can also be categorised according to what kind of pipe they return: mappings return a pipe of the same size as the one they are applied to; partitions return divisions of the original pipe; and selections return a subset of the pipe’s items:


accum() clone() enum() map() pick() reverse() shuffle() sort() zip_with()


chunk() dist() divide() group_by() partition() split() unzip() window() zip()


drop() drop_while() reject() sample() select() slice() take() take_while() top() uniq()

If given an initial value, accum() will return a pipe with one more item than the original pipe’s.

Some methods are just specialisations, or convenient versions of others:






print() to_file()


pick() zip_with()






drop() take()







Factory for creating pipes from different sources.

class Pyper[source]

Bases: object

Factory for creating new pipes. Use pype instance.

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1,2,3]))
[1, 2, 3]
static dict(dictionary: Mapping[pypey.func.K, pypey.func.V]) pypey.pype.Pype[Tuple[pypey.func.K, pypey.func.V]][source]

Returns a pipe where each item is a key-value pair in the given Mapping.

>>> from pypey import pype
list(pype.dict({'fun':1, 'day':2}))
[('fun', 1), ('day', 2)]

dictionary – the dictionary to pipe


a pipe containing the dictionary’s items


TypeError if dictionary is not a Mapping

static file(src: Union[AnyStr, os.PathLike, int], *, mode: str = 'r', buffering: int = - 1, encoding: Optional[str] = 'utf8', errors: Optional[str] = None, newline: Optional[str] = None, closefd: bool = True, opener: Optional[Callable[[...], int]] = None, strip: bool = True) pypey.pype.Pype[str][source]

Reads lines from given file into a pipe.

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> from os.path import join, dirname
>>> list(pype.file(join(dirname(__file__), 'unittests', 'test_file.txt')))
['line 1', 'line 2', 'line 3']
  • src – path to the file or file descriptor, as per built-in open file argument

  • mode – mode as per built-in open, except no write modes are allowed

  • buffering – buffering as per built-in open

  • encoding – encoding as per built-in open except the default value is utf8 instead of None

  • errors – errors as per built-in open

  • newline – newline as per built-in open

  • closefd – closefd as per built-in open

  • opener – opener as per built-in open

  • stripTrue if end of line should be removed from each line, False otherwise


a pipe where each item is a line in the given file


ValueError if mode has w (write) or + (append) in it

static json(src: Union[AnyStr, os.PathLike, int], *, mode: str = 'r', cls: Optional[Type] = None, object_hook: Optional[Callable] = None, parse_float: Optional[Callable] = None, parse_int: Optional[Callable] = None, parse_constant: Optional[Callable] = None, object_pairs_hook: Optional[Callable] = None) pypey.pype.Pype[Union[Tuple[str, Any], None, bool, float, int, str]][source]

Reads content in given json into a pipe.

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> from os.path import join, dirname
>>> dict(pype.json(join(dirname(__file__), 'unittests', 'object.json')))
{'a': 1.0, 'fun': 2.0, 'day': 3.0}
  • src – path to the file or file descriptor, as per built-in open file argument

  • mode – mode as per built-in open, except no write modes are allowed

  • cls – custom JSONDecoder class, as per json.load

  • object_hook – object_hook Callable, as per json.load

  • parse_float – parse_float Callable, as per json.load

  • parse_int – parse_int Callable, as per json.load

  • parse_constant – parse_constance Callable, as per json.load

  • object_pairs_hook – object_pairs_hook Callable, as per json.load


pype with single item if json contains a single value, several items if json contains a list and pairs of items if json contains object

pype: pypey.pypes.Pyper = <pypey.pypes.Pyper object>

Pype factory


Main class for building streaming pipelines

class Pype(it: Iterable[pypey.func.T])[source]

Bases: Generic[pypey.func.T]

accum(fn: Callable[[pypey.func.X, pypey.func.T], pypey.func.X], init: Optional[pypey.func.X] = None) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.X][source]

Returns a pipe where each item is the result of combining a running total with the corresponding item in the original pipe:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3]).accum(lambda total, n: total+n))
[1, 3, 6]

When an initial value is given, the resulting pipe will have one more item than the original one:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3]).accum(lambda total, n: total+n, init=0))
[0, 1, 3, 6]

Similar to itertools.accumulate.

  • init – optional initial value to start the accumulation with

  • fn – function where the first argument is the running total and the second the current item


a pipe with accumulated items


TypeError if fn is not a Callable

broadcast(fn: Callable[[pypey.func.T], Iterable[pypey.func.X]]) pypey.pype.Pype[Tuple[pypey.func.T, pypey.func.X]][source]

Returns the flattened Cartesian product of this pipe’s items and the items returned by fn. Conceptually similar to numpy-‘s broadcasting.

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).broadcast(tuple).map(lambda word, char: f'{word} -> {char}'))
['a -> a', 'fun -> f', 'fun -> u', 'fun -> n', 'day -> d', 'day -> a', 'day -> y']

fn – function to create Iterable from each of this pipe’s items


a pipe where each item is a pair with the first element being the nth instance of this pipe’s items and the second an element of fn-s returned Iterable


TypeError if fn is not a Callable

cat(other: Iterable[pypey.func.X]) pypey.pype.Pype[Union[pypey.func.T, pypey.func.X]][source]

Concatenates this pipe with the given Iterable.

>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3]).cat([4, 5, 6]))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

otherIterable to append to this one


a concatenated pipe


TypeError if other is not an Iterable

chunk(size: Union[int, Iterable[Optional[int]]]) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T]][source]

Breaks pipe into sub-pipes with up to size items each:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(chunk) for chunk in pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).chunk(2)]
[[1, 2], [3, 4]]

If this pipe’s size is not a multiple of size, the last chunk will have fewer items than size:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(chunk) for chunk in pype([1, 2, 3]).chunk(2)]
[[1, 2], [3]]

If size is larger than this pipe’s size, only one chunk will be returned:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(chunk) for chunk in pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).chunk(5)]
[[1, 2, 3, 4]]

If size is an iterable of ints, chunks will have corresponding sizes:

>>> [list(chunk) for chunk in pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).chunk([1, 3])]
[[1], [2, 3, 4]]

If the sum of sizes is smaller than this pipe’s length, the remaining items will not be returned:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(chunk) for chunk in pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).chunk([1, 2])]
[[1], [2, 3]]

If the sum of sizes is larger than this pipe’s length, fewer items will be returned in the chunk that overruns the pipe and further chunks will be empty:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(chunk) for chunk in pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).chunk([1, 2, 3, 4])]
[[1], [2, 3], [4], []]

The last size can be None, in wich case, the last chunk’s will be remaining items after the one-but-last size.

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(chunk) for chunk in pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).chunk([1, None])]
[[1], [2, 3, 4]]

This method tees the backing Iterable.

Similar to more_itertools.ichunked and more_itertools.split_into.


size – chunk size or sizes


a pipe of pipes with up to size items each or with sizes specified by iterable of sizes


TypeError if size is not an int or an Iterable of int-s


ValueError if size is not positive or if any of the iterable of sizes is not positive

clone() pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Lazily clones this pipe. This method tees the backing Iterable and replaces it with a new copy.

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3]).clone())
[1, 2, 3]

Similar to itertools.tee.


a copy of this pipe

cycle(n: Optional[int] = None) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns items in pipe n times if n is not None:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3]).cycle(2))
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

else it returns infinite copies:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3]).cycle().take(6))
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

Similar to itertools.cycle with n = None and to more_itertools.ncycles with integer n.


n – number of concatenated copies or None for infinite copies


a pipe that cycles either n or infinite times over the items of this one


TypeError if n is neither an int nor None


ValueError if n is not negative

dist(n: int) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T]][source]

Returns a pipe with n items, each being smaller pipes containing this pipe’s elements distributed equally amongst them:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(segment) for segment in pype([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).dist(2)]
[[1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6]]

If this pipe’s size is not evenly divisible by n, then the size of the returned Iterable items will not be identical:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(segment) for segment in pype([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).dist(2)]
[[1, 3, 5], [2, 4]]

If this pipe’s size is smaller than n, the last pipes in the returned pipe will be empty:

 >>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(segment) for segment in pype([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).dist(7)]
 [[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [], []]

This method tees the backing Iterable.

Similar to more_itertools.distribute.


n – the number of pipes with distributed elements


a pipe with this pipe’s items distributed amongst the contained pipes


TypeError if n is not an int


ValueError if n is not positive

divide(n: int) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T]][source]

Breaks pipe into n sub-pipes:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(div) for div in pype([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).divide(2)]
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]

If this pipe’s size is not a multiple of n, the sub-pipes’ sizes will be equal except the last one, which will contain all excess items:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(div) for div in pype([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]).divide(3)]
[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]

If this pipe’s size is smaller than n, the resulting pipe will contain as many single-item pipes as there are in it, followed by n minus this pipe’s size empty pipes.

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(div) for div in pype([1, 2, 3]).divide(4)]
[[1], [2], [3], []]

This method requires calculating the size of this pipe, and thus will eagerly consume the backing Iterable if it’s lazy.

Similar to more_itertools.divide.


n – number of segments


a pipe of n pipes


TypeError if n is not an int


ValueError if n is not positive

do(fn: Callable[[pypey.func.T], Any], *, now: bool = False, workers: int = 0, chunk_size: int = 100) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Produces a side effect for each item, with the given function’s return value ignored. It is typically used to execute an operation that is not functionally pure such as printing to console, updating a GUI, writing to disk or sending data over a network.

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> p = pype(iter([1, 2, 3])).do(lambda n: print(f'{n}'))
>>> list(p)
[1, 2, 3]

If now is set to True the side effect will take place immediately and the backing Iterable will be consumed if lazy.

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> p = pype(iter([1, 2, 3])).do(lambda n: print(f'{n}'), now=True)
>>> list(p)

If workers is greater than 0 the side effect will be parallelised using multiprocessing if possible, or pathos if not. pathos multiprocessing implementation is slower and limited vs the built-in multiprocessing but it does allow using lambdas and local functions. When using workers, the backing Iterable is teed to avoid consumption. Using a large chunk_size can greately speed up parallelisation; it is ignored if workers is 0.

Also known as for_each, tap and sink.

Similar to more_itertools.side_effect.

  • fn – a function taking a possibly unpacked item

  • nowFalse to defer the side effect until iteration, True to write immediately

  • workers – number of extra processes to parallelise this method’s side effect function

  • chunk_size – size of subsequence of Iterable to be processed by workers


this pipe


TypeError if fn is not a Callable or workers or chunk_size are not int


ValueError if workers is negative or chunk_size is non-positive

drop(n: int) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns this pipe but with the first or last n items missing:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).drop(2))
[3, 4]

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).drop(-2))
[1, 2]

n – number of items to skip, positive if at the beginning of the pipe, negative at the end


pipe with n dropped items


TypeError if n is not an int

drop_while(pred: Callable[[...], bool]) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Drops items as long as the given predicate is True; afterwards, it returns every item:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).drop_while(lambda n: n < 3))
[3, 4]

Similar to itertools.dropwhile.


pred – A function taking a possibly unpacked item and returning a boolean


a pipe that is a subset of this one


TypeError if pred is not a Callable

eager() pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns a pype with the same contents as this one but with an eager backing collection. This will trigger reading the whole backing Iterable into memory.

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> p = pype(range(-5, 5)).map(abs)
>>> p.size()
>>> p.size()
>>> p = pype(range(-5, 5)).map(abs).eager()
>>> p.size()
>>> p.size()

this pipe, but eager

enum(start: int = 0, *, swap: bool = False) pypey.pype.Pype[Union[Tuple[int, pypey.func.T], Tuple[pypey.func.T, int]]][source]

Pairs each item with an increasing integer index:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).enum())
[(0, 'a'), (1, 'fun'), (2, 'day')]

swap = True will swap the index and item around:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).enum(swap=True))
[('a', 0), ('fun', 1), ('day', 2)]

Similar to built-in enumerate.

  • start – start of the index sequence

  • swap – if True index will be returned second, else it will be returned first


a pipe the same size as this one but with each item being tuple of index and original item


TypeError if start is not an int

flat() pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Flattens iterable items into a collection of their elements:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).flat())
['a', 'f', 'u', 'n', 'd', 'a', 'y']

Similar to itertools.chain.from_iterable


a pipe with the elements of its Iterable items as items


TypeError if items are not Iterable

flatmap(fn: Callable[[...], pypey.func.I]) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.X][source]

Maps Iterable items and then flattens the result into their elements.

Equivalent to Pype.map() followed by Pype.flat()


fn – function taking a possibly unpacked item and returning a value


a pipe with mapped flattened items


TypeError if items are not Iterable or fn is not a Callable

freqs(total: bool = True) pypey.pype.Pype[Tuple[Union[pypey.func.T, object], int, float]][source]

Computes this pipe’s items’ absolute and relative frequencies and optionally the total:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> tuple(pype('AAB').freqs())
(('A', 2, 0.6666666666666666), ('B', 1, 0.3333333333333333), (_TOTAL_, 3, 1.0))

If total is False, the total is left out:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> tuple(pype('AAB').freqs(total=False))
(('A', 2, 0.6666666666666666), ('B', 1, 0.3333333333333333))

a pype containing tuples with this pipe’s uniques items, plus the total as the pype.TOTAL item, with their absolute and relative frequencies

group_by(key: Callable[[...], pypey.func.Y]) pypey.pype.Pype[Tuple[pypey.func.Y, List[pypey.func.T]]][source]

Groups items according to the key returned by the key function:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).group_by(len))
[(1, ['a']), (3, ['fun', 'day'])]

This method is eager and will consume the backing Iterable if it’s lazy.

Similar to itertools.groupby except elements don’t need to be sorted


key – function taking a possibly unpacked item and returning a grouping key


a pipe made up of pairs of keys and lists of items


TypeError if fn is not a Callable

interleave(other: Iterable[pypey.func.X], n: int = 1, trunc: bool = True) pypey.pype.Pype[Union[pypey.func.T, pypey.func.X, Any]][source]

Returns a pipe where items in this pipe are interleaved with items in the given Iterable, in order. If either this pipe or the other Iterable are exhausted the interleaving stops:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'fun', 'day']).interleave([1, 2, 3]))
['a', 1, 'fun', 2, 'fun', 3]

Setting trunc to True will keep adding the left over items in the Iterable that hasn’t been exhausted after the other one is:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'fun', 'day']).interleave([1, 2, 3], trunc=False))
['a', 1, 'fun', 2, 'fun', 3, 'day']

The number of items in this pipe’s to leave between the items in the Iterable can be varied:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'fun', 'day']).interleave([1, 2, 3], n=2))
['a', 'fun', 1, 'fun', 'day', 2]

This operation is lazy.

A cross between more_itertools.interleave_longest, more_itertools.interleave and more_itertools.intersperse.

  • other – the Iterable whose items will be interleaved with this pipe’s

  • n – the number of this pipe’s items to leave between each of the Iterable-‘s ones

  • truncTrue if the unexhausted Iterable should be truncated once the other one is


A pipe with this pipe’s elements and the given Iterable-‘s in order


TypeError if other is not an Iterable or n` is not an ``int


ValueError if n is less than one

it() Iterator[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns an Iterator for this pipe’s items. It’s a more concise version of, and functionally identical to, Pype.__iter__()

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(iter(pype([1, 2, 3]))) == list(pype([1, 2, 3]).it())

an Iterator for this pipe’s items

map(fn: Callable[[...], pypey.func.Y], *other_fns: Callable[[...], pypey.func.X], workers: int = 0, chunk_size: int = 100) pypey.pype.Pype[Union[pypey.func.X, pypey.func.Y]][source]

Transforms this pipe’s items according to the given function(s):

>>> from math import sqrt
>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3]).map(sqrt))
[1.0, 1.4142135623730951, 1.7320508075688772]

If more than one function is provided, they will be chained into a single one before being applied to each item:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).map(str.upper, reversed, list))
[['A'], ['N', 'U', 'F'], ['Y', 'A', 'D']]

If workers is greater than 0 the mapping will be parallelised using multiprocessing if possible or pathos if not. pathos multiprocessing implementation is slower and has different limitations than the built-in multiprocessing but it does allow using lambdas. When using workers, the backing Iterable is teed to avoid consumption. Using a large chunk_size can greately speed up parallelisation; it is ignored if workers is 0.

Similar to built-in map.

  • fn – a function taking a possibly unpacked item and returning a value

  • other_fns – other functions to be chained with fn, taking a possibly unpacked item and returning a value

  • workers – number of extra processes to parallelise this method’s mapping function(s)

  • chunk_size – size of subsequence of Iterable to be processed by workers


a pipe with this pipe’s items mapped to values


TypeError if fn is not a Callable or other_fns is not a tuple of Callable or if workers or chunk_size are not int


ValueError if workers is negative or chunk_size is non-positive

partition(pred: Callable[[...], bool]) Tuple[pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T], pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T]][source]

Splits this pipe’s items into two pipes, according to whether the given predicate returns True or False:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(p) for p in pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).partition(lambda n: n%2)]
[[2, 4], [1, 3]]

This method tees the backing Iterable.


pred – A function taking a possibly unpacked item and returning a boolean


a 2-tuple with the first item being a pipe with items for which pred is False and the second a pipe with items for which it is True


TypeError if pred is not a Callable

pick(key: Any) pypey.pype.Pype[Any][source]

Maps each item to the given key. Allowed keys are any supported by object.__item__ :

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).pick(0))
['a', 'f', 'd']

as well as @property-defined object properties and namedtuple attributes:

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> from pypey import pype
>>> Person = namedtuple('Person', ['age'])
>>> list(pype([Person(42), Person(24)]).pick(Person.age))
[42, 24]

Equivalent to Pype.map(lambda item: item.key)() and Pype.map(lambda item: item[key])().


key – key to pick from each item


a pipe where each item in this pipe has been replaced with the given key

print(fn: typing.Callable[[...], str] = <class 'str'>, *, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', file: typing.IO = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, flush: bool = False, now: bool = True) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Prints string returned by given function using built-in print:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> p = pype(iter([1, 2, 3])).print()
>>> list(p)
[1, 2, 3]

If now is set to True, the printing takes place immediately and the backing Iterable is consumed:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> p = pype(iter([1, 2, 3])).print(now=True)
>>> list(p)

The keyword-only parameters are the same as the built-in print (minus the now flag).

  • fn – A function taking a possibly unpacked item and returning a string

  • sep – separator as per built-in print

  • end – terminator, as per built-in print

  • file – text stream, as per built-in print

  • flush – flush, as per built-in print

  • nowFalse if the printing should be deferred, True otherwise


this pipe, with a possibly consumed backing Iterable if now is set to True


TypeError if fn is not a Callable

reduce(fn: Callable[[pypey.func.H, pypey.func.T], pypey.func.H], init: Optional[pypey.func.X] = None) pypey.func.H[source]

Reduces this pipe to a single value through the application of the given aggregating function to each item:

>>> from operator import add
>>> from pypey import pype
>>> pype([1, 2, 3]).reduce(add)

If init is not None, it will be placed as the start of the returned pipe and serve as a default value in case the pipe is empty:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> pype([1, 2, 3]).reduce(add, init=-1)

This function is eager and immediate.

Similar to functools.reduce.

  • fn – a function taking an aggregate of the previous items as its first argument and the current item as its second, and returning a new aggregate

  • init – a value to be placed before all other items if it’s not None


a value of the same type as the return of the given function, or init if the pipe is empty


TypeError if fn is not a Callable


ValueError if this pipe is empty and init is None

reject(pred: Callable[[...], bool]) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns a pipe with only the items for each the given predicate returns False:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'FUN', 'day']).reject(str.isupper))
['a', 'day']

Opposite of Pype.select().

Similar to built-in filterfalse.


pred – a function taking a possibly unpacked item and returning a boolean


a pipe with the subset of this pipe’s items for which pred returns False


TypeError if pred is not a Callable

reverse() pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns a pipe where this pipe’s items appear in reversed order:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3]).reverse())
[3, 2, 1]

This operation is eager but deferred.

Similar to built-in reversed.


a pipe with items in reversed order

roundrobin() pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns a pipe where each item is taken from each of this pipe’s elements’ in turn:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).roundrobin())
['a', 'f', 'd', 'u', 'a', 'n', 'y']

This operation is eager but deferred.

Similar to more_itertools.interleave_longest.


A pipe with items taken from this pipe’s Iterable items


TypeError if any of this pipe’s items is not an Iterable

sample(k: int, seed_: Optional[Any] = None) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns a pipe with k items sampled without replacement from this pipe:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).sample(2))
[1, 3]

This operation is eager but deferred.

Similar to random.sample.

  • k – a non negative int specifying how many items to sample

  • seed – an value to seed the random number generator


a pipe with sampled items from this pipe


TypeError if k is not an int


ValueError if k is negative

select(pred: Callable[[...], bool]) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns a pipe with only the items for each pred returns True, opposite of Pype.reject():

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'FUN', 'day']).select(str.isupper))

Also known as filter.

Similar to built-in filter.


pred – a function taking a possibly unpacked item and returning a boolean


a pipe with the subset of this pipe’s items for which the given pred returns True


TypeError if pred is not a Callable

shuffle(seed_: Optional[Any] = None) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns a shuffled version of this pipe:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).shuffle())
[3, 2, 1, 5, 4]

This method is eager but deferred.

Similar to random.shuffle


seed – a value to seed the random generator


This pipe, but with its items shuffled

size() int[source]

Returns number of items in this pipe:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> pype([1, 2, 3]).size()

This operation is eager and immediate.


an int correpsonding to the cardinality of this pipe

slice(start: int, end: int) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns a slice of this pipe between items at positions start and end, exclusive:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).slice(1, 3))
[2, 3]

Similar to itertools.islice.

  • start – index of first element to be returned

  • end – index of element after the last element to be returned


pipe with a slice of the items of this pipe


TypeError if start or end are not int-s


ValueError if start or end are negative or if end is smaller than start

sort(key: Optional[Callable[[...], pypey.func.Y]] = None, *, rev: bool = False) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Sorts this pipe’s items, using the return value of key if not None:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'funny', 'day']).sort(len))
['a', 'day', 'funny']

This method is eager but deferred.

Similar to builtin sorted.

  • key – a function possibly taking a unpacked item and returning a value to sort by, or None

  • revTrue if the sort order should be reversed, False otherwise.


a sorted pipe


TypeError if key is not a Callable

split(when: Callable[[...], bool], mode: str = 'after') pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T]][source]

Returns a pipe containing sub-pipes split off this pipe where the given when predicate is True:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(split) for split in pype(list('afunday')).split(lambda char: char == 'a')
[['a'], ['f', 'u', 'n', 'd', 'a'], ['y']]

The default mode is to split after every item for which the predicate is True. When mode is set to before, the split is done before:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(split) for split in pype(list('afunday')).split(lambda char: char == 'a', 'before')]
[['a', 'f', 'u', 'n', 'd'], ['a', 'y']]

And when mode is set to at, the pipe will be split both before and after, leaving the splitting item out:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(split) for split in pype(list('afunday')).split(lambda char: char == 'a', 'at')]
[[], ['f', 'u', 'n', 'd'], ['y']]

Similar to more_itertools.split_before, more_itertools.split_after and more_itertools.split_at.

  • when – A function possibly taking a unpacked item and returning True if this pipe should be split before this item

  • mode – which side of the splitting item the pipe is split, one of after, at or before


a pipe of pipes split off this pipe at items where when returns True


TypeError if when is not a Callable or mode` is not a ``str


ValueError if mode is a str but not one the supported ones

take(n: int) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns a pipe containing the first or last n items of this pipe, depending on the sign of n:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).take(-2))
[3, 4]

>>> from pypey import pype
>>>list(pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).take(2))
[1, 2]

This operation is eager but deferred when n is negative else it’s lazy.

Also know as head and tail.


n – a negative int specifying the number of items of this pipe’s tail or a positive int for the first n elements


a pipe with this pipe’s first or last n items


TypeError if n is not an int

take_while(pred: Callable[[...], bool]) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns a pipe containing this pipe’s items until pred returns False :

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype([1, 2, 3, 4]).take_while(lambda n: n < 4))
[1, 2, 3]

Similar to itertools.takewhile.


pred – a function taking a possibly unpacked item and returning a boolean


a pipe that is a subset of this one minus the items after pred returns True


TypeError if pred is not a Callable

tee(n: int) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T]][source]

Returns n lazy copies of this pipe:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(copy) for copy in pype([1, 2, 3]).tee(2)]
[[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]

This method tees the backing Iterable but does not replace it (unlike Pype.clone()).

Similar to itertools.tee.


a pipe containing n copies of this pipe


TypeError if n is not an int


ValueError if n is non-positive

to(fn: Callable[[Iterable[pypey.func.T]], pypey.func.Y], *other_fns: Callable[[...], pypey.func.X]) Union[pypey.func.Y, pypey.func.X][source]

Applies given function to this pipe:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).to(list)
['a', 'fun', 'day']

This method is eager if the given function is eager and lazy if it’s lazy:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> p = pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).to(enumerate)
>>> p
<enumerate object at 0x7fdb743003c0>
>>> list(p)
[(0, 'a'), (1, 'fun'), (2, 'day')]

If provided with more than one function, it will pipe them together:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).to(list, len)

Equivalent to fn_n(...fn2(fn1(pipe))).

  • fn – function to apply to this pipe

  • other_fns – other functions to be chained with fn


the return value of the given function(s)


TypeError if any of the provided functions is not a Callable

to_file(target: Union[AnyStr, os.PathLike, int], *, mode: str = 'w', buffering: int = - 1, encoding: Optional[str] = 'utf8', errors: Optional[str] = None, newline: Optional[str] = None, closefd: bool = True, opener: Optional[Callable[[...], int]] = None, eol: bool = True, now: bool = True) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Writes items to file:

>>> from tempfile import gettempdir
>>> from os.path import join
>>> from pypey import pype
>>> p = pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).to_file(join(gettempdir(), 'afunday.txt'), eol=False)
['a', 'fun', 'day']
>>> list(pype.file(join(gettempdir(), 'afunday.txt')))

The first eight parameters are identical to built-in open. If eol is set to True, each item will be converted to string and a line terminator will be appended to it:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> p = pype([1, 2, 3]).to_file(join(gettempdir(), '123.txt', eol=True))
>>> list(p)
[1, 2, 3]
>>> list(pype.file(join(gettempdir(), '123.txt')))
['1', '2', '3']

This method is intrinsically lazy but it’s set to immediate/eager by default. As such, if now is set to True and the backing Iterable is lazy, it will be consumed and this method will return an empty pipe:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> p = pype(iter([1, 2, 3])).to_file(join(gettempdir(), '123.txt'), now=True)
>>> list(p)
>>> list(pype.file(join(gettempdir(), '123.txt')))
['1', '2', '3']
  • target – target to write this pipe’s items to

  • mode – mode as per built-in open, except no read modes are allowed

  • buffering – buffering as per built-in open

  • encoding – encoding as per built-in open except the default value is utf8 instead of None

  • errors – errors as per built-in open

  • newline – newline as per built-in open

  • closefd – closefd as per built-in open

  • opener – opener as per built-in open

  • eolTrue if a line separator should be added to each item, False otherwise

  • nowFalse to defer writing until pipe is iterated through, True to write immediately


this pipe, possibly after writing its items to file


ValueError if mode has r or +

to_json(target: Union[AnyStr, os.PathLike, int], *, mode: str = 'w', skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, cls=None, indent=None, separators=None, default=None, sort_keys=False, as_dict: bool = True)[source]

Writes items to a file as a json value:

>>> from tempfile import gettempdir
>>> from os.path import join
>>> from pypey import pype
>>> p = pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).to_json(join(gettempdir(), 'afunday.json'))
<pypey.pype.Pype object at 0x7f7c1971a8d0>
>>> list(pype.json(join(gettempdir(), 'afunday.json')))
['a', 'fun', 'day']

The first parameter is the same to built-in open, and the rest are identical to the ones in json.dump excep the last one which specifies if pairs should be written as dict or as a list. This method will never write single primitives if the pipe contains a single value.

This method is eager and immediate

  • target – target to write this pipe’s items to

  • mode – mode as per built-in open, except no read modes are allowed

  • skipkeys – skipkeys as per built-in json.dump

  • ensure_ascii – ensure_ascii as per built-in json.dump

  • check_circular – check_circular as per built-in json.dump

  • allow_nan – allow_nan as per built-in json.dump

  • cls – cls as per built-in json.dump

  • indent – indent as per built-in json.dump

  • separators – separators as per built-in json.dump

  • default – default as per built-in json.dump

  • sort_keys – sort_keys as per built-in json.dump

  • as_dict – True if item pairs should be written as key-value pairs in an object, False if as a list


this pipe, after writing its items to a file as a json value


ValueError if mode has r or +


TypeError if as_dict is True and items are not pairs

top(n: int, key: typing.Callable[[pypey.func.T], typing.Any] = <function ident>) pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns a pipe with the n items having the highest value, as defined by the key function.

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).top(2, len))
['fun', 'day']

This method is eager but deferred.

  • n – the number of items to return

  • key – the function defining the value to find the top elements for


a pipe with the top n elements


TypeError` if ``n is not an int or key is not a Callable


ValueError if n is non-positive

uniq() pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.func.T][source]

Returns unique number of items:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'b', 'b', 'a']).uniq())
['a', 'b']

This method tees the backing Iterable.

Similar to more_itertools.unique_everseen.


A pipe with the unique items in this pipe

unzip() pypey.pype.Pype[pypey.pype.Pype[Any]][source]

Returns a pipe of pipes each with the items of this pipe’s Iterable items:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> [list(p) for p in pype(['any', 'fun', 'day']).unzip()]
[['a', 'f', 'd'], ['n', 'u', 'a'], ['y', 'n', 'y']]

This method is eager but deferred.

Similar to more_itertools.unzip


a pipe of pipes with the unzipped items in this pipe’s Iterable items


TyperError if any of this pipe’s items is not an Iterable

window(size: int, *, shift: int = 1, pad: Optional[Any] = None) pypey.pype.Pype[Tuple[Optional[pypey.func.T], ...]][source]

Returns a pipe containing pipes, each being a sliding window over this pipe’s items:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(iter([1, 2, 3])).window(size=2))
[(1, 2), (2, 3)]

If size is larger than this pipe, pad is used fill in the missing values:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(iter([1, 2, 3])).window(size=4, pad=-1))
[(1, 2, 3, -1)]

Similar to more_itertools.windowed.

  • size – the size of the window

  • shift – the shift between successive windows

  • pad – the value to use to fill missing values


a pipe of pipes, each being a sliding window over this pipe


TypeError if either `size or shift is not an int


ValueError if size is negative or shift is non-positive

zip(*others: Iterable[Any], trunc: bool = True, pad: Optional[Any] = None) pypey.pype.Pype[Tuple[pypey.func.T, ...]][source]

Zips items in this pipe with each other or with items in each of the given Iterable-s. If no Iterable-s are provided, the items in this pipe will be zipped with each other:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).zip(trunc=False, pad='?'))
[('a', 'f', 'd'), ('?', 'u', 'a'), ('?', 'n', 'y')]

Self-zipping will consume the backing Iterable if it’s lazy. If other Iterable-s are provided, the items in this pipe will be zipped with the items in those:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a', 'fun', 'day']).zip([1, 2, 3, 4]))
[('a', 1), ('fun', 2), ('day', 3)]

Similar to built-in zip and itertools.zip_longest.

  • othersIterables to be zipped with this with this pipe

  • truncTrue to truncate all Iterable-s to the size of the shortest one, False to pad all to the size of the longest one

  • pad – value to pad shorter Iterable-s with if trunc is False; if it’s True it’s ignored


a pipe with the zipped items of this pipe with each other or with the given Iterable-s’ ones


TypeError any of others is not an Iterable

zip_with(fn: Callable[[...], pypey.func.Y]) pypey.pype.Pype[Tuple[pypey.func.T, pypey.func.Y]][source]

Returns a pipe where each item is a 2-tuple with this pipe’s item as the first and the output of fn as the second. This is useful for adding an extra piece of data to the current pipeline:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a','fun', 'day']).zip_with(len))
[('a', 1), ('fun', 3), ('day', 3)]

and it’s a more concise version of:

>>> from pypey import pype
>>> list(pype(['a','fun', 'day']).map(lambda w: (w, len(w))))
[('a', 1), ('fun', 3), ('day', 3)]

fn – a function taking a possibly unpacked item and returning a value to be zipped with this pipe’s item


a new pipe with zipped items


Constant indicating the aggregated counts in Pype.freqs()

class Total[source]

Bases: str


Functions and constants for a concise use of higher-level functions

ident(item: pypey.func.T) pypey.func.T[source]

Identity function, returns the argument passed to it.


item – any argument


the argument passed in

pipe(*functions: Callable) Callable[source]

Chains given functions.

>>> from pypey import pipe
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> [pipe(len, sqrt)(w) for w in ('a', 'fun','day')]
[1.0, 1.7320508075688772, 1.7320508075688772]

For functions taking multiple arguments, the return of the previous function in the chain will be unpacked only if it’s a tuple:

>>> from pypey import pipe
>>> pipe(divmod, lambda quotient, remainder: quotient + remainder)(10, 3)

If a function returns an Iterable that it’s not a tuple but unpacking in the next function is still needed, built-in tuple can be inserted in between to achieve the desired effect:

>>> from pypey import pipe
>>> pipe(range, tuple,  lambda _1, _2_, _3: sum([_1, _3]))(3)

Conversely, if a function returns a tuple but unpacking is not required in the next function, built-in list can be used to achieve the desired effect:

>>> from pypey import pipe
>>> pipe(divmod, list, sum)(10, 3)

Note that list is the only exception to the rule that tuple returns will be unpacked.


functions – a variable number of functions


a combined function


Concise alias of functools.partial

require(cond: bool, message: str, exception: typing.Type[Exception] = <class 'TypeError'>)[source]

Guard clause, useful for implementing exception-raising checks concisely, especially useful in lambdas.

>>> from pypey import require, pype
>>> pype([1,2,'3']).do(lambda n: require(isinstance(n, int), 'not an int'), now=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: not an int
  • cond – if False the given exception will be thrown, otherwise this function is a no-op

  • message – exception message

  • exception – exception to throw if cond is False, defaults to TypeError



require_val(cond: bool, message: str)[source]

Throws ValueError exception if cond is False, equivalent to require() with exception=ValueError.

>>> from pypey import require_val, pype
>>> pype([1,2,-3]).do(lambda n: require_val(n>0, 'not a positive number'), now=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: not a positive number
  • cond – if False the a ValueError will be thrown, otherwise this function is a no-op

  • message – the exception message



throw(exception: Type[Exception], message: str)[source]

Throws given exception with given message, equivalent to built-in raise. This function is useful for raising exceptions inside lambdas as raise is syntactically invalid in them.

>>> from pypey import throw, pype
>>> pype([1,2,3]).do(lambda n: throw(ValueError, 'test'), now=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: test
  • exception – the exception to throw

  • message – the exception message




Callable type; Callable[[int], str] is a function of (int) -> str.

The subscription syntax must always be used with exactly two values: the argument list and the return type. The argument list must be a list of types or ellipsis; the return type must be a single type.

There is no syntax to indicate optional or keyword arguments, such function types are rarely used as callback types.

alias of Callable


Factory methods matching those of Pype and dict


CountDyct factory


DefDyct factory


Dyct factory


Pipeable versions of dict, collections.defaultdict and collections.Counter

class CountDyct(counts: Iterable[pypey.dyct.K] = ())[source]

Bases: Generic[pypey.dyct.K], collections.Counter

A pipeable version of collections.Counter containing a superset of its methods

inc(item: pypey.dyct.K, count: int = 1) pypey.dyct.CountDyct[pypey.dyct.K][source]

Increments counts of item by count.

  • item – item to be incremented

  • count – increment


this CountDyct

pype() pypey.pype.Pype[Tuple[pypey.dyct.K, int]][source]

Return this CountDyct-‘s items as a Pype


Pype containing pairs of key, count

class DefDyct(default_factory: Optional[Callable[[...], pypey.func.Y]], fn: Optional[Callable[[pypey.dyct.V, pypey.dyct.V], pypey.func.Y]] = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Generic[pypey.dyct.K, pypey.dyct.V], collections.defaultdict

A pipeable version of collections.defaultdict containing a superset of its methods

add(key: pypey.dyct.K, value: pypey.dyct.V) pypey.dyct.DefDyct[pypey.dyct.K, pypey.dyct.V][source]

Updates value associated with given key with given value, using fn passed in in constructor If fn is None, then inplace addition will be used.

  • key – key to add

  • value – value to add


this DefDyct

pype() pypey.pype.Pype[Tuple[pypey.dyct.K, pypey.dyct.V]][source]

Return this DefDyct-‘s items as a Pype


Pype containing pairs of key, values

class Dyct(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Generic[pypey.dyct.K, pypey.dyct.V], collections.UserDict

A pipeable version of dict containing a superset of its methods

pype() pypey.pype.Pype[Tuple[pypey.dyct.K, pypey.dyct.V]][source]

Return this Dyct-‘s items as a Pype


Pype containing pairs of key, values

reverse(overwrite: bool = True) pypey.dyct.Dyct[pypey.dyct.V, Union[pypey.dyct.K, Set[pypey.dyct.K]]][source]

Reverses keys and values in this Dyct. To prevent keys mapping to equal values from being lost, set overwrite to False and they will be kept in a Set.


overwriteTrue if keys should be overwritten False if they should be preserved in a Set.


a new Dyct with keys for values and values for keys

set(key: pypey.dyct.K, value: pypey.dyct.V) pypey.dyct.Dyct[pypey.dyct.K, pypey.dyct.V][source]

sets given key to given value

  • key – key to add/overwrite

  • value – value to (re-)set


this Dyct